
Sad Sick Doggy Face

Jack laying in bed sick

Poor Jack is sick and I feel so bad for him. 🙁 Tuesday when I got home from work I heard him making an awful noise. It sounded like he was hacking up his lungs. At that point, he would puke up a clear mucus and then would be ok until he started moving around again. This continued through the night and at one point got so bad I put him in his crate so he would be forced to lay still.

The next morning I gave him some doggy aspirin hoping he could hold it down and it would make him feel better. No suck luck. Just as soon as he ate it, he puked it back up. Got home yesterday and he was still doing it but now nothing was coming up. It just sounds like hes dry heaving. I did notice he ate a little food and drank some water and that never came back up. Since he was able to eat and drink I’m thinking it could be a severe case of allergies. Although, Jack is an inside dog and doesn’t spend too much time outdoors. The only other thing that was different right before this was he ate a rawhide bone. I give him and Jill these types of bones all the time so it’s hard to think it could have caused the problem but at this point I won’t rule out anything.

Last night was better though. He seems to be fine as long as he doesn’t move around. Which for a dog I know is impossible, but he seems to know it too and didn’t move much during the night. This morning I gave him some aspirin and he was able to keep it down. I’m really hoping that helps because it breaks my heart to hear him make that awful noise and not know how to help him.

Have you ever had this happen with your dog? What did you do to make him/her better? Is there a home remedy I can try or medication that might help?

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  • Reply
    April 26, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Poor pup! Maybe it could just be something caught in his throat, hard to say. I would be a little worried that he ate something that he shouldn’t of. Has he had allergies before? If he is still doing it tonight I might be taking him for a visit with the vet just to be safe.
    Kimberley recently posted..Farmer’s FightMy Profile

  • Reply
    April 29, 2012 at 9:15 pm

    I hope Jack is doing better by now. It’s always the worst when our babies are sick : ( I hope you did get a chance to get some charcoal for him because that is what we always use for our dogs when they have upset stomachs & it has many other benefits as well!
    Raquel recently posted..Jewels of The SouthwestMy Profile

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