This post had to be removed. I’m very sorry for anyone that had this page bookmarked. To read more about starting your horse on barrels go here.…
barrel racing
Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was filled with lots of laughter and fun! Friday and Saturday night I went out with friends to the Palomino Sports Arena. On Friday night they have Bulls and Barrels. I mostly go…
How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? I actually got to put my tack on my real horse and get it off the saw horse. 😀 After watching the Webinar a few weeks ago with Dena Kirkpatrick,…
Make sure you check out Part 1 for all the warm up tips from the webcast. Here were some important tips I took away from the webcast when it comes to teaching a horse the barrel pattern. Let me…
Image Source So the other night I attended a webcast with Dena Kirkpatrick on Barrel Racing. For those of you that don’t know Mrs. Dena, she is a professional barrel horse trainer and has won many championship titles. She…