
Last Years Goals

2010 Goals

Wow I can’t believe there are just 3 days till Christmas and 10 days till 2012! Time sure has flown by this year. I recently found a notebook that had my goals for this year written in it. It was bitter sweet reading them over. Some I actually accomplished and others I didn’t. Those that I didn’t will just have to be added onto my 2012 Goals.

I think I’ve put Disney World on the list every year since Braxton has been old enough to go and enjoy it. Yet I still haven’t been able to take him and he is about to turn 10. 🙁  This year it’s going back on the top of the list and I’m really going to work hard towards making that vacation happen. I remember my parents taking me when I was his age and I had such an amazing time. He loves theme parks (just like his momma) and I can’t wait to take him and see his face light up and the excitement. Fingers crossed I can cross it off the list this year!

I am happy to know I was able to cross a few things off the list. I have become a much better parent in the past year. I also was able to finally find a place to rent where my horses could be in my backyard. Ever since my parents bought me my first horse I’ve also boarded or rented my own barn but never had them in the backyard. This year that dream came true and it’s been wonderful waking up and looking out the window and seeing them grazing in the pastures. Now my goal for next year is to find a place to buy and build my own barn w/ an apartment above it until I can build my dream home. 🙂

I also can cross off :

1. Learning something new – I learned how to Sort on a horse and OMG I love it!

2. Keep my house clean – always been a struggle because it’s so easy to come home from a long day of work and just set things down or leave dirty dishes in the sink. Finally though I’ve made myself clean up each night before I go to bed or take time after using a dish to clean it.

3. Find a better job – AMEN! to this one. For the past 2 and 1/2 years I worked for a company that didn’t appreciate me, constantly yelled at me (cussed everyone on my team out numerous times), and threatened to fire you daily (in  the time I was there 40 people had come and gone in my 1 department). My co-workers and I nick named the company “_ _ High”.  can’t give those 2 letters because that will give the company away. During the time I worked there I fell into depression and really dreaded going to work. I HATED my job with a passion and almost quit a few times without having a job lined up. It was just that bad that I would rather not have a job then continue working there. But I am so happy to say I am finally at a new company that I absolutely love! The owners are so wonderful and really care about all their employees! They treat us like adults and trust us to make decisions and do our job instead of standing over us and micromanaging. I love getting up and going to work now! It was a huge blessing to get hired at Beacon Technologies.

4. Good Amount of Money in savings – Finally accomplished my goal I set for this year. I was able to save a little over my goal which is really nice since I’m about to spend $900 on new tires tomorrow. Ugh..why must truck tires cost so much!

All in all I’m pretty proud of myself for being able to mark some things off my list for this year. Now it’s time to make a new list for 2012 and work towards accomplishing those!

Christmas Horse Picture


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