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When You Get Bucked Off…

Don’t sit there defeated. Instead, get back on and ride!   Ok, that is easier said then done I know! I definitely feel like I’ve been bucked off right now. I’m experiencing all the same emotions of getting bucked…

Dad Starting the plane

My Stunt Plane Pilots {Pics}

Yesterday I had the pleasure of going with my dad while he practiced his aerobatic stunts. He fly’s full time in air shows across the US and is being checked by the FAA this Saturday to get his next level up…

Horses Life

Best 6 of 2012: June Recap

Wow can you believe the year is half over! OMG I swear it flew by so fast. Before we know it summer will be over and Halloween will be here. Ok enough of those thoughts. I don’t want it…


How Do You Like My Rack..

  Rack of Ribs that is! What did you think I was talking about, eh?! Remember when my parents came over to eat with me and we cooked ribs? Well I got a few questions about the ribs and…


Training Horses: Two Methods that Work

Good Morning! Happy Hump Day! It’s been a while since Vinni has had the spot light and he was looking so pretty after his bath that I just had to share a picture. πŸ™‚   Any idea who this…

Dogs Life

The Most Important time is Family Time {Pics}

Hello! How has your weekend been? I got to enjoy good ole family time on Friday night. πŸ™‚ My Parents and Tory came over to eat dinner and we all had a good time. Β The food was delicious too!…

Cowgirl Fashion

Money well spent..

Isn’t this the cutest purse?! I just had to share it today. Do you remember the Cowgirl Jewelry from Tack Addict? Well I ordered this purse from her when I was doing that giveaway and I LOVE it! It…


Don’t Miss out!

Yesterday I had to attend a golf tournament for my work and wasn’t able to work on a post I had planned. πŸ™ So I thought I would just take a quick minute to remind you what social media…