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Two Thoroughbreds Left – Need Homes ASAP

**UPDATE: This rescue has been shut down due to horses being placed under false representation.** You might remember my post a few weeks about Many Blessings OTTBs. Well there are still two horses left that need to be adopted…

Self Promotion Sunday

Self Promotion Sunday April 29th Edition

(Source) It’s time for Self Promotion Sunday again! Slowly but surely more people have been sharing their blogs/sites with us, so make sure to check out some of the older editions too. Like before, in the comments section leave:…


Sad Sick Doggy Face

Poor Jack is sick and I feel so bad for him. 🙁 Tuesday when I got home from work I heard him making an awful noise. It sounded like he was hacking up his lungs. At that point, he…


I Sea a few Vacations in my Future

Good Morning! 🙂 I can’t believe it’s been so long since my last post. Which speaking of, how did you like the video of my horses playing around? Did it make you giggle like it did me? Anyway, I…


A game of Horsey Chicken

Ever seen horses have fun playing a game of chicken? Yesterday, I caught Vinni and Spur having  a good ole time playing with each other. They were so cute! 🙂…

Self Promotion Sunday

Self Promotion Sunday April 15th Edition

(Source) It’s time for Self Promotion Sunday again! Slowly but surely more people have been sharing their blogs/sites with us, so make sure to check out some of the older editions too. Like before, in the comments section leave:…

Barrel Racing on Spur

Our First Rodeo Mishap

Some of you might have seen my tweets or Facebook post about Spur and I going to our first rodeo of the year, last weekend. I was super excited and had been waiting for weeks to be able to…


Many Blessings Off The Track Thoroughbred Rescue

**UPDATE: This rescue has been shut down due to horses being placed under false representation.** I was added to a new group on Facebook called Many Blessings OTTB. Spring Gates started this rescue with her sister to help keep…