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Horses Life

Girls Night Out at the Sports Arena

Good morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was filled with lots of laughter and fun! Friday and Saturday night I went out with friends to the Palomino Sports Arena. On Friday night they have Bulls and Barrels. I mostly go…


Ever wonder what real ranch life is like?

Good Morning! How’s your week going so far? Today I have a special guest post for you from my friend Jenn aka The South Dakota Cowgirl. _____________________________________________________________ For those of you who don’t know me, allow me a moment…


A sweaty trail ride Saturday and an update on Vinni

Good Morning! How has your weekend been? I spent yesterday trail riding on Jet at Uwharrie National Forest. I was a little worried about taking him out to trail ride since he hasn’t been ridden since Fall. I just started…


Back to work we go..

Ahh yesterday was so nice and pretty. The temperature here was in the 60s and the sun was shining. Since shows are starting to pick back up and the weather is warming up, I realized it’s time to get…


Do you panic when you find your horse laying down?

Yesterday when I got home, I found Vinni laying down in the pasture. Now normally this would not concern me because occasionally I will see them laying down but my gut told me there was something different about this time. I…


Finally I got back in the Saddle

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? I actually got to put my tack on my real horse and get it off the saw horse. 😀 After watching the Webinar a few weeks ago with Dena Kirkpatrick,…