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NC Cowgirl

Equine Product Review

Every Horse Needs a Fashion Halter

If you’ve been following my blog and seeing the different pictures I post of my horses, then you know I love Designer halters. My favorite brand of Designer Halters is Red Haute Horse. While Christmas shopping I came across…

FitHorse Week 1 Riding
#FitHorse Riding Program

#FitHorse™ Week 1 Riding

Well hello there! Hope your having a great weekend. It’s been raining here all day which has kept me cooped up inside catching up on my TV shows I’ve missed this week. My favorite show that I’ve been watching…

Barrel Horse Vinni

My Weekend in Pictures

This weekend started off good and has ended great. The weather has been in the 50s with lots of sunshine, so I took advantage of it and rode 2 of my horses. Both of my barrel horses, Vinni and…

Glitter Headstall for Horses
Equine Product Review

Out with Bling and in with Glitter!

Well I’ve been hinting about this new custom tack line all week on Facebook and finally get to share it with you  guys! Raquel from Horses and Heels is the person behind Glitter and I decided to ask her…