Talk about hard work that was a ton of fun and full of good laughs. Who knew tearing down walls in the horse barn would provide so much entertainment. Oh wait, that entertainment wasn’t the work itself – it was everyone watching me try to sling a sledgehammer. I’ll admit I got a few good laughs out too. I wish the video would upload to Youtube but it kept having issues so unfortunately I can’t show it to you guys. Boo 🙁
So anyway.
When we bought the farm I knew right away the horse stalls the old owners were using were not going to be safe for my horses. They were basically made from scrap plywood pieces. The walls themselves were very thin and flimsy. With my horses – I.e. Vinni – being a kicker, I knew that he would kick right through those walls and I’d end up with a hurt horse and a large vet bill. So I decided those stalls had to go.

Horse Stalls Before
So we got out the sledgehammer, regular hammers, ply bar and the loader.
We tore down everything.
Stay tuned for the next barn update.
UPDATE: The Step by Step guide to building these stalls is now available! So if you’re ready to start your very own project, click here to see the booklet options.
What barn renovations have you done lately?
August 6, 2013 at 1:34 pmI love seeing the improvements! I can’t wait to see what the stalls are shaping into, talk about a lot of work.
Raquel recently posted..Stable Style: Eads Barn
October 9, 2013 at 5:58 pmI came across your site today. We are also finishing out a barn. I’ve looked and looked at stalls. I like the innovative idea of the side panel arches. What did you use for stall flooring? Are you all finished?
Please share more pics.
Happy trails,
Ashley Agee
October 15, 2013 at 11:01 amHi Lesly, We haven’t finished the stalls yet but hope to soon. 🙂 I put rubber mats over sand rock for the flooring.
Horse Barn Improvements Part 4: Stalls are Complete
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Barn Improvements Part 2: Custom Arched Horse Stalls
January 25, 2016 at 1:08 pm[…] « Horse Barn Improvements Part 1: Gutting the Barn […]
Barn Improvements Part 3: Arched Stall Fronts Complete
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Now Available - Custom Arched Stall Kit Download
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