
Must Have Camping Items You’ll Love

In a few short months, winter will be coming to an end and I’ll be able to go camping again. I can’t wait for that! I had planned to camp and ride this winter but it’s honestly just been too cold. When the days are just above freezing and the nights are in the teens; The last thing I want to do is go camp and ride. I would even venture to say my horse is glad she isn’t been ridden.

There is one good thing about being cooped up in the house…I get to plan where I want to camp and ride plus what I’ll need. If you’ve read this blog a while, then you know a few years ago I shared some of my favorite camping essentials but over time this list has definitely changed. For instance, I no longer take portable panels with me, I got a new smaller grill and even my choice for silverware has changed.

After camping for a couple years, I’ve learned what is truly needed and what is not. Not to mention, I got a new smaller LQ trailer and don’t have the storage I once had. I look at camping as an extension of my house, what I use most at home is likely what I will need camping too. So without further ado, here is my revised list of camping items I believe are important to have.

Camping Must Have’s for Cooking

This is one area we have got much better about. When we started camping we wanted to take everything with us and would take too much food. So much so we would have stuff stacked on top of stuff in the fridge and cabinets. Now we only take what we know we will eat and plan our meals out a head of time. We also stick to meals that aren’t messy or need a lot of prep. That being said, things we keep in the trailer for cooking are:

Camping Must Have’s for My Horse

If I’m being honest, packing for my horse is harder than packing for myself! I definitely over pack when it comes to my horse but you never know what you’ll need. My overpacked list includes:

  • feed plus a pan
  • water bucket – sometimes I fill up my water tank so she’ll drink plenty of water she likes
  • extra electrolyes
  • bute/banamine
  • riding tack
  • extra saddle blanket
  • extra girth – never know when your horse will be super sweaty and your tack need extra time to dry
  • extra reins – never know when these might break
  • first aid kit
  • therapy sheets/boots
  • stable bandages/wraps
  • hoof boots
  • fly spray
  • extra leads
  • extra halter
  • grooming items
  • 3-4 bales of hay for a weekend

General Must Have’s

I’ve included links to some of my favorite things we bought and use camping. These are affiliate links that I will make a small commission on. That money is used to keep the blog up and running. Please help support the blog by purchasing from those links. These are true products I bought and use, this is NOT a sponsored post.

So Tell Me..

Where will you be camping this year? What are your must have’s?

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