Shop for Stall Kits

DIY Pole Bending Set

DIY Portable Horse Panels

Barrel Racing Horses

Cross Training your Barrel Racing Mount

Today’s guest post comes from Brittany: “Brittany Lambert owns and operates Wishing Winds Ranch. Brittany was born in 1985 and fell in love with horses at the age of 3.  She began her real riding career at the age of…


First TriFABB Event in Chapel Hill

Good Morning! Did you sleep well? I did but I sure could have stayed in bed longer this morning. I didn’t want to get up at all. Thankfully it’s Friday and I can get a little extra zzz’s this…


Blogger Must Read: SEO Tips for Blogging

One of my favorite blogs of all time (that’s not horse related) is PBFingers. Julie is a great blogger and I love following what she’s up to each month. Yesterday she wrote about Everyday Blogging Tools she uses and…

Horse Tack Sets

New Polyvore Picks: Turquoise Tack Set

I think  I’m really starting to like Polyvore. I can’t believe I missed out on it for so long. Turquoise Tack Set – Barrel Racer by thenorthcarolinacowgirl on Polyvore The Proven- Flash Barrel Saddle Smith Brothers Zipper II…

Horses Trail Riding

Trail Riding Fun with Vinni

Isn’t he a handsome boy? Since buying my horse trailer, I haven’t had a chance to use it to go riding anywhere because of having to move. However, this weekend I took a time out from packing and moving…

Horse Tack Sets Horses

Custom Blinged Out Tack Sets

Have you ever owned a custom set of tack? If you’re shaking your head then you’ll love what I’m about to share. I haven’t either and honestly didn’t know I could buy a custom set. I always bought my…