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To do a 5k or not?!?!

This past weekend my Sister in Law invited me to participate in a local 5k Race on Thanksgiving Morning. Well I thought sure why not but quickly started having doubts. For one, I’m not a runner. I do like…

Horses Life

My Best Friend

I want to keep up the Thankful Challenge and add that today I’m thankful for Jet. Jet is the best horse I could have ever asked for. I love that I can call him and he can be at…


Thankful for My Dogs & Their Unconditional Love

UPDATE: It’s now the year 2020 and I’m sad to report, Jack has passed away. He died of old age last year and is now buried in my back yard with a headstone to mark his grave. I’m still…


Happy Halloween (Est. 2011)

UPDATE: Hard to believe the year is now 2020 and my little boy is no longer a little boy. Braxton is now 18 (!). Man how time flies! Looking back through these older posts and seeing how much has…