If your horses are like mine then I’m sure they LOVE horse treats. My horses love treats so much that it doesn’t matter what type of bag is making a noise, then automatically start whining, their ears perk up, their heads come out of the stall and they get super nosy! I’m sure part of that is my fault because I do feed them treats often. I try to feed the treats as a form of reward for something I’ve asked them to do but I will admit sometimes I just give them one because I love them and I know they want them.
So when Sierra Sweets contacting me about reviewing their product, I couldn’t say no! No way, I would miss out on giving my horses gourmet treats! I was a little curious as to whether or not they will eat them because 3 of them still aren’t big fans of apples and carrots. It took forever to get them to try them. Even then most of the apple or carrot would end up on the floor then in their bellies. It’s weird too because everyone assumes all horses love carrots and apples but that wasn’t true for mine at first. Now, of course, they love them and not a piece will end up on the floor.
I mention that because Sierra Sweets are made with apples and molasses. The treats are actually all natural ingredients with no preservatives. When you first see these you might think of the treats you can make your self out of the horse treat books but I must say I like these better. The homemade treats always feel to soft to me. They liked them but when they ate them it looked like they were trying to get the ingredients off their tongue and sides of their mouth. Just picture it like this, imagine you put peanut butter in their mouth and they had to lick the inside of their lips to get rid of it. They would be twisting and moving their head all over. Well that’s what it was like when they ate my homemade treats. Guess I put to much molasses and they were just sticking to their teeth instead of falling apart. Eh, oh well. No need to make homemade treats again. Now I’ll just order some Sierra Sweets Treats!
Enough of me talking about it though. Just check out these pictures and you’ll get a good idea of how much my horses loved these treats!

Te was the only one up at the barn so I gave him one first. To be my pickiest eater, he sure did love that cookie!

While Te ate his treat, my non-picky eater and most jealous horse came over to see what was going on and be center of attention. Gave him a cookie..he loved it!

So then Vinnie has to come up and see whats going on. He gets a treat too…loves it!

Finally Gracie decided to come up and see what was going on. She’s still a little leery about eating treats. Crazy enough, she smelled it and ate it with no hesitation!

She loved it so much she was pinning her ears at the other horses, with a mean “go away” attitude. LOL

One treat wasn’t enough, Jet kept staring at me with those big puppy dog eyes, begging for more. I gave in.

Give it to one horse. Give in to them all.
As you can see, these treats were a hit with my horses. They could not get enough of them!
If you’d like to give your horses some yummy treats, check out Sierra Sweets Horse Treats! They have different size bags which are all reasonably priced. I’m just going to take a guess and say, your horses will love you ten times more after they eat one of the cookies.
Questions for you
- Anyone else have a picky eater or horses that don’t like apples and carrots?
- Have you tried these treats before?
- What’s your favorite type/brand of horse treats?
{Disclaimer} As I stated above, I was asked by the company to review their product and in exchange for my review I was given this product at no cost. However, I have always and will always tell it like it is, so if I don’t like something I will be 100% honest about it.
1 Comment
Weekend Cowgirl
July 11, 2014 at 10:45 amOur donkey’s LOVE treats! They would love these…. They love carrots and get some several times a week. Love apples also.
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