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DIY Portable Horse Panels


The Bond I Have With My Horse..

.. amazes me everyday! I can’t imagine life without my horses because they make it that much grander. Check out this video a friend took on Saturday of me riding Gracie and getting Vinni to follow us. Isn’t that…

Barrel Racing on Spur
Barrel Racing Horses

Last Barrel Show of the Season

Good Morning! How was your weekend? My weekend was wonderful and I was able to attend the first barrel show 11 Bar East Ranch in Sanford put on. Let me tell you, this place was nice! I’m very glad…

Gracie getting Massaged

Equine Massage – Yeah or Neh?

Remember my last post about having an Equine Massage Therapist out to work on Gracie and Vinni? Well it’s now been a week since she was out and a little bit more has happened. The Massage Therapist came out…


Will a Massage Really help my Horse?

I don’t know but I’m going to find out! During my last lesson with Kristin, she pointed out that Vinni was really stiff to one side and might could benefit from seeing a Chiropractor. Being the good horse mommy…


1st Blogiversary

Source I’m a little behind on this but as of October 31st this little ole blog has been around for a year!! Seems like it was just yesterday that I started posting. I can’t believe how quickly the time…

PerksRushinBrook around barrels
Barrel Racing Horses

Weekend Riding Pictures

Good Morning! How was your weekend? This was my first weekend home and not traveling in a while and it was great! All of my horses got worked and I took Gracie to a friends arena to work her.…


Perks Rushin Brook aka Gracie

For those of you following me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen pictures of “Gracie.”  Gracie is the newest member to my herd of horses and I couldn’t be more excited about her. She is a 5yo Bay QH mare…

Cowgirl Fashion

Country Girl Fall Fashion Must Haves

**Edit: Pictures had to be removed due to images being broken from Pinterest. However, You can see the outfits by going to my Cowgirl Outfits Board on Pinterest.**   Now that the weather has started to stay cooler, I’ve…