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DIY Pole Bending Set

DIY Portable Horse Panels

Vinni posing for the camera
Barrel Racing Horses

Vinni learns the barrel pattern..slowly

Good Morning! I don’t know about you but I sure am glad it’s Thursday. I’m ready for this weekend and everything I’ve got planned. Saturday I’m going to take Vinni trail riding at Cedar Rock. The trail there is…

Horses Trail Riding

Instadump: Cows and Trail Riding

Good Morning! This weekend just flew by. I can’t believe it’s already Monday morning and I’m back at work. Boo. Weekends need to be longer. What did you do this weekend? I got in hours of riding-on my own…


Social Media Explained – Country Style

A friend of mine shared this Infograph with me and I couldn’t help but laugh when I read it. Who knew Bacon could explain so much! 🙂 (Infograph Source: Corey Smith)…


RIP One for The Little Guys

Isn’t he a beautiful boy! This weekend my heart broke for this boy. His race name is One for the Little Guys and he was a TB I was rescuing from the track. All the details had been worked…