Equine Product Review

{Product Review} A Saddle Box

Howdy!! Happy Friday! How’s your week been? Are you glad it’s the weekend? I sure am!!

I’m excited to have two whole days to relax, play with the horses and hopefully even make it to the lake. I have missed warm weather so much! I hate being cooped up in the house during the winter months and am thrilled to finally have longer warm days so I can stay outside a lot more.

Anyway though, I have something to share with you today! It’s actually a product I had never heard of until the owner reached out to me about doing a review. The product is called A SaddleBox. I believe it is something new but don’t hold me to that. If you want to learn more about the SaddleBox you can visit their website at https://www.saddlebox.net. On their website you’ll find pricing information, you can sign up for 10% OFF each month for life(!), see past boxes and even win a box! So head on over and check out their site.

My SaddleBox



I grabbed the photo above from the SaddleBox website – I liked it a lot better then the photo I took. 😉 I got everything you see though.

  • Epona Hoof Pick
  • Chamberlain’s Leather Milk
  • Clint mints Horse Treats
  • Decker Face Brush
  • Natural Soap by Forever Summer
  • The Little Red Book of Horse Wisdom


About Each SaddleBox Item


hoof pick

This horse pick appears to be made from a horse shoe and painted a metallic color. It’s heavy like a horse shoe but because of it’s thin size it is easy to hold. It’s so pretty I hate to use it….but I will!


horse cookies

I wish I could tell you there was something unique about these horse treats but I don’t think there is. They appear to be just like the horse treats I’ve gotten in the past, this is just a new company selling them. Regardless though, I know the horses will love them, so any box with treats in them is great in my book. 🙂


horse face brush

This is probably my favorite item from this box because I LOVE grooming my horses. I especially love small handle brushes since my hands are tiny. This brush fits perfect in my hands and I love the soft bristles. It is going to be perfect for brushing off all of my horses heads after I curry them.


horse shampoo

There was a strong smell to my Saddle Box when I first opened it. I couldn’t tell if they sprayed something in the box to make it smell or if it was one of the products. Eventually I figured out it was this soap bar. It has a very stout smell to it which I’m guessing is from the ingredients. As you can see from the label it’s got some herbs in it, so I think what I’m smelling is the Rosemary. I have to admit, I’m not a fan of the way this smells at all but I’m sure that doesn’t mean it won’t work well. I do look forward to trying it next time I bath Rumor or Gracie. (I’m pretty certain the boys wouldn’t like to smell like this. LOL)


saddle soap

Now for the leather milk. According to the bottle this leather conditioner acts as a uv protectant too and is made from natural ingredients. Looking at it in the bottle it looks like white sunscreen lotion and even smells a little like it too. It’s not greasy or sticky like some of the leather conditioners I’ve used before. I had my reservations about this one since the saddle conditioner I tried I wasn’t a big fan of but I am looking forward to giving this one a try.


saddle box contents

Lastly, the book and bandana were the other items that came in the box. The book has a lot of quotes in it from horse experts and enthusiasts from around the world.

Overall, I liked the Saddle Box and the items that came in it. I love the box concept and how you get to try out different products that you might wouldn’t buy in the store or even see. If I wasn’t such a tight wad (or going through a big life change..stay tuned in the coming weeks to hear more about this.) I would definitely subscribe to this! Like I said above though, now is your chance to get a Saddle box yourself either but using their 10% OFF code or Winning a box. All you have to do is head over to their website to get more details! 🙂


So Tell Me..

Do you subscribe to any horse boxes? If so, which one?



**I was asked by the company to review their product and in exchange for my review I was given this product at no cost. However, I have always and will always tell it like it is, so if I don’t like something I will be 100% honest about it.**

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  • Reply
    May 13, 2017 at 4:00 pm

    So fun! The girls will be happy to be smelling good. I love rosemary and am very curious about that soap.

  • Reply
    Debbie Pelletier
    October 1, 2018 at 11:50 pm

    I would like to subscribe to the horse boxes or mini pony if you have any
    please email me at [email protected]

    • Reply
      NC Cowgirl
      October 17, 2018 at 11:22 am

      Hi Debbie! I’m not affiliated with A Horse Box, you’ll need to reach out to them directly on their site. 🙂

  • Reply
    Rebecca B
    January 31, 2019 at 1:06 am

    Saddle box is a bunch of junk. I really disliked the things I got in my boxes. Non-break away halter? Hard pass. Book that looked like someone had read it already? Cool thanks. Epona products are generally of low-quality and they send mostly Epona stuff. And treats with CORN as an ingredient? Last I checked I had horses not cattle. I switched to Horse Box and haven’t looked back. It’s 10 bucks cheaper and way more interesting products to try/actually use. Just my $0.02 *shrug*

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