Do you remember when I vowed to give up Candy Bars and Fast food for Lent? I did it! I didn’t eat any candy bars or any fast food during Lent! It was extremely difficult but I tried to…
(Source) It’s time for Self Promotion Sunday again! 😀 Like before, in the comments section leave: Your Name: Your Blog/Website URL: Description of what your blog/Site is about: Each Sunday I’ll have a new post for you to come…
As if you can’t tell already but I’ve been in the picture taking mood lately. I’ve been taking my camera with me every where! Photography is another hobby of mine that I enjoy doing. A few years ago I…
As promised here are the pictures of the wild ponies that I took. My guess is the chestnut and black pony are around 1-2 years old. The other pony with the white mane looked to be older and pregnant!…
I <3 Mt. Rogers. I love being in the mountains and smelling the fresh air. I like seeing all the creeks running through the fields and beside the roads. I like all the hills and openness. I also love…
It’s that time again! Since I won’t be around this weekend, (I’m heading to Mt. Rogers to ride..YAY!!) I thought it would be best to go ahead and do the Best of March today. Everyday Cowboy Boots from Ariat…
A is for age: 29. My last year in my twenties..oh how sad. 🙁 B is for breakfast today: Banana nut bread..yum! C is for currently craving: Reese’s Cups. I gave them up for Lent and I swear seeing…
Friday night I went to the rodeo in Goldston again. It has been my new Friday thing for the last few months and I’m a little sad it will be ending this weekend and I won’t be there. 🙁…