Update: The family is doing much better now. Both Brock and Leisha have recovered from their injuries and are back to training and riding. December has been a tough month for my friends, Leisha and Brock Griffith. Earlier in…
Image Source I’m back! Well at least for right now, lol. For those of you that don’t know, the reason I’ve been MIA the past week is because my computer decided 4 years of working was long enough and…
Remember back when I went on this trail ride and Jet sweat on his own? For the past 4 years or so Jet has had a disease called Anhidrosis. In short, this disease causes him to over heat and…
This past weekend was so nice here in NC. The sun was shining and it was in the 70s. You just can’t ask for nicer weather in my opinion and I was very thankful for it after all the…
What a great day it’s been. Hopefully all of you had a wonderful day as well! This is the first year my mother’s parent(from FL) have come to NC to have Thanksgiving dinner with us. The last time I…
***The Giveaway is now closed**** After putting the numbers into Random.org, the winner is Kathy Irwin! Kathy I will be contacting you shortly to get your address so I can send you the cap! Thanks to everyone who participated! …
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I sure was enjoying this nice warm NC weather we were having! The weather was just warm enough you wanted to be outside doing stuff and so I did. I had to take…
Whew, cleaning up around my barn was tough work this weekend! I let it get worse than I normally would because I had to put out hay by hand and didn’t feel like taking it out to the pasture.…